Principal's Corner

Welcome to Joppa Elementary School’s website. Please take time to browse around. I hope you find it easy to navigate and very informative. You will find several forms we are making more readily available and lots of new information. If you have ideas about items you would like to see incorporated into our school web site, please email Mrs. Jennifer Gowan or myself. We look forward to hearing from you.
As the new school year approaches, we are working very diligently toward improving student achievement in a positive environment and to encourage students to become responsible, respectful individuals, ready to make conscientious decisions that affect their future. We work each day to show students the positive outcomes they can achieve through hard work, determination and good decision making.
I hope you will make plans to attend PALS on Thursday August 9 at 6:00pm. You will be able to meet your child's teacher(s) and find out what they have planned for the upcoming school year.
I encourage you to read nightly with your child. Communicate with their teacher about specific strategies you could use at home to offer additional support to boost reading skills. Working together we can TEACH with rigor and relevance so that students will LEARN the skills and knowledge needed to SUCCEED in becoming community, college, and career ready.
If you have questions, concerns or comments please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to the new school year!
With your support, Joppa School will make a difference!
Mrs. Pam Roach