Joppa Elementary School
4745 Rutledge Pike Rutledge, TN 37861
Phone: (865)-828-5721
Website: http://www.joppa.grainger.k12.tn.us
Principal: Pam Roach
Assistant Principal: Brandie Conrad
Secretary: Melissa Wyckoff
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to create academically proficient, responsible learners in a safe, supportive environment as they complete their academic program.
Our vision is to be a safe and nurturing school where every individual is self-motivated, conscientious, and successful.
Students' learning needs are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.
Curriculum, instructional and assessment practices incorporate a variety of learning activities to support differences in student needs and abilities.
A student's self-image is enhanced by positive relationships with a mutual respect for staff members and fellow students.
Faculty, staff, administration, parents, and community share the responsibility and input for advancing the school's mission.
Welcome to Joppa School. The information contained in this handbook is very important to you and your parents. It contains many, but not all, of the local, state and federal regulations. It will help you become familiar with the operations and policies of our school. However, no attempt has been made to include all aspects of the school's procedures. Various situations arise from time to time that will be addressed on an individual basis. I would like to encourage you to read this handbook together as parents and students and to keep it available for reference throughout the school year and to visit our school web page at www.grainger.k12.tn.us/JES/index.htm for additional information. If you have questions that remain unanswered, please contact the school office at: 828-5721.
Regular school hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. All faculty will be available during these hours. Faculty supervision for bus duty begins when the building is open at 7:30 a.m. The school will not be responsible for students unsupervised on school property prior to 7:30 a.m. or after 3:40 p.m.
I look forward to working with you, your teachers and your parents in making this a successful and satisfying year. I will be available to assist you as the need arises. You are welcome to visit or call me at the school.
-Pam Roach
Children entering kindergarten or school for the first time must:
- Be five years old by August 15 of the current school year.
- Bring certified birth certificate or photocopy.
- Have a complete medical examination.
- Provide the school with a Tennessee Child Immunization Record. (permanent or temporary).
Parents and guardians of students are always welcome at school. Parents and visitors are required to enter through the front door and report directly to the office. To limit interruptions of instructional time, meetings with your child's teacher should be scheduled before 8:00 or during the teacher's planning time.
For the safety of your child, students will be allowed to leave school only when someone accepted by the school comes into the office to sign the student out. For safety, we ask that parents use the car rider line to pick students up after 2:40. We realize emergencies and unexpected needs arise. If this happens, please contact the office so special arrangements can be made.
Visitation on the part of other school students during the school day is strictly against procedures and regulations. Students may not bring visitors to school to stay all day.
Grade cards will e sent home on a nine-week schedule. Additional reports will be sent mid way of the nine week term. There are two scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences during the year.
93-100 A
85-92 B
75-84 C
70-74 D
Below 70 F
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement; therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session. Students shall be present at least fifty percent of the scheduled school day in order to be counted present. Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal/designee.
A parent/guardian can provide the school administration with a note excusing a child from school for a specific day (parent note). Only two notes of this type may be used per semester per student. These notes must be received and approved by the building administrator or his/her designee.
Progressive Truancy Plan
TIER ONE of the progressive truancy plan shall apply to all students and includes school wide prevention-oriented supports to assist with satisfactory attendance. These supports include but are not limited to the following:
- Three day notification letter. The parent/guardian is notified that their student has three unexcused absences. These names are sent to the Director of Schools.
- A conference with the student and the student's parent/guardian. The conference will include the principal/designee.
TIER TWO must be implemented upon a student's accumulation of five unexcused absences, as specified in the LEA's progressive truancy plan, and must include, at a minimum:
- A conference with the student and parent/guardian.
- A resulting attendance contract to be signed by the student and parent/guardian. The contract must include: (A specific description of the school's attendance expectations for the student. ; The period for which the contract is in effect; and P
- Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings, which may be with the student and parent/guardian.
- An individual assessment by a school employee of the reasons a student has been absent from school; and Penalties for additional absences and alleged school offenses, including additional disciplinary action and potential referral to juvenile court.)
- If necessary, referral of the child to counseling, community based services, or other in school or out of school services aimed at addressing the student's attendance problems.
TIER THREE must be implemented if the truancy interventions under tier two are unsuccessful. Tier three many consist of one or more of the following:
- School based community services.
- Participation in a school based restorative justice program.
- Saturday or after school courses designed to improve attendance and behavior.
If the interventions under the plan have failed to meaningfully address the student's school attendance, the director of schools, after written notice to the parent/guardian, shall report the student who is unlawfully absent from the school to the Grainger County Juvenile Court. Each referral to Juvenile Court must be accompanied by a statement from the student's school certifying that:
- The school applied the progressive truancy interventions of the progressive truancy plan adopted under subsection (d) for the student; and
- The progressive truancy interventions failed to meaningfully address the student's school attendance.
Students not in class by 8:15 will be counted tardy. Students signing out before 2:40 will also be counted tardy. Excessive tardies will be reported.
Students will be allowed to leave school only when someone accepted by the school comes TO THE SCHOOL TO SIGN THE STUDENT OUT. For safety, we ask that parents use the car rider line to pick students up after 2:40. We realize emergencies and unexpected needs arise. If this happens, please contact the office so special arrangements can be made.
It is our philosophy that school is a place where teachers have a right to teach and students have the right to learn. To assist with putting this philosophy into action, we have adopted a school-wide positive behavior support plan to clarify expectations and guidelines for student behavior. Our school-wide expectations are as follows:
1. Be Respectful.
2. Be Responsible.
3. Be Ready.
Our school has developed and will provide each student with a copy of a matrix which provides behavior expectations and procedures for different areas and/or functions within the school. Examples and non-examples of appropriate school and classroom behavior will be modeled and clarified for students as part of our positive school-wide behavior plan.
In addition to the school-wide rules, each teacher will have his/her own classroom rules posted in his/her room. Students who choose not to follow school expectations and/or break the rules may be issued an office referral which will result in the following consequences unless otherwise mandated by school board policy (i.e. fighting, tobacco, alcohol or zero tolerance issues, etc.):
1st – Conference with student/warning
2nd – Conference with student/warning
3rd – One (1) day in-school suspension or one hour after school
4th – One (1) hour after school detention – parent notification
5th – One (1) hour after school detention – parent notification
6th – One-half day Saturday/four hours after school
7th – One (1) day out of school suspension
8th – One-half day Saturday/four hours after school
9th – Two (2) days out of school suspension
10th – Alternative School – 8-45 days for students of grades 5 thru 12
Grades K-4 will be determined by principal
11th – Conference with student/warning
12th – One (1) day out of school suspension
13th – Alternative School 20-45 days for grades 5-12
Grades K-4 will be determined by principal
14th – Conference with student/warning
15th – One (1) day out of school suspension
16th – Alternative School – remainder of the year or minimum of thirty (30) days
grades 5-12; grades K-4 at principal discretion.
More than two (2) office referrals will result in the loss of any club trips. Suspensions, in school or out of school, and alternative school placement will result in the loss of club trips.
Extended school assignments will be at the discretion of the principal and availability of after school or Saturday School.
Blatant violations of proper conduct will be addressed by the principal with consequences which may include after school detention, Saturday school, in-school suspension, out of school suspension, expulsion or action as deemed appropriate. ALL DISCIPLINARY ACTION WILL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE PRINCIPAL.
If a student does not attend assigned after school or does not attend assigned Saturday school, he/she will be assigned to alternative school for 8-45 days. Office referrals will be cumulative during the year and will not start over at the beginning of the second semester. Students that are suspended, expelled or placed in alternative school are not allowed to attend school functions or be on school property during period of suspension/expulsion or alternative school placement.
Students with disabilities as identified by IDEA and/or Section 504 will be disciplined in accordance with applicable laws and guidelines governing disciplinary actions for these students.
In addition to our basic school discipline, students shall be subject to suspension or unlimited expulsion from attendance at school or from riding a school bus for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
1st offense – 2 days in-school suspension. Parent notification.
2nd offense – 3 days in-school suspension. Parent notification.
3rd offense – Alternative School Assignment (minimum of 30 days)
A student may be petitioned for fighting to juvenile court.
Prior disciplinary offenses shall be considered in making determination.
A student leaving school without permission:
1st offense: Assigned one day of After-School Suspension. Failure to attend After School would result in a placement in the Alternative School for 8-45 days.
2nd offense: Student would be placed in the Alternative School for a 8-45 day assignment.
3. Immoral or disreputable conduct
4. Violence or threatened violence against a person or personnel attending or assigned to the school. (See zero-tolerance policy)
5. Marking, defacing, or destroying school property or the property of any person attending or assigned to the school.
6. Possession of dangerous weapons on school property. (See zero-tolerance policy) This may also result in criminal action taken by law enforcement agencies.
7. Assaulting a teacher or any school personnel with vulgar, obscene or threatening language.
8. Inciting, advising, or counseling others to engage in any of the acts herein before mentioned.
9. Any other conduct prejudicial to good order or discipline in the school.
All suspensions will be in writing on the day of the occurrence to the director with a copy being sent to the student’s parents. The written notification shall contain the reason for the suspension and the exact day on which the student should return to school or can again ride the bus. In the case of suspension from riding the bus only, the bus driver shall be informed. Detention may be substituted for suspension in some cases.
Policy Concerning the Use of Tobacco Products
Students shall not use or possess tobacco products in any form on school premises or on school buses. To “use” shall mean any holding of a cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other paraphernalia used for smoking, chewing, or dipping of any tobacco products. “School hours” shall mean the time between 7:30 a.m. and 3:40 p.m. “School bus hours” shall begin with the first pickup in the morning and end with the last drop in the afternoon.
Principals or law enforcement officers who find underage students in unlawful possession of tobacco products are required to issue a juvenile court citation.
The student shall also receive an office referral for violation of this policy.
Alcohol Policy
A student shall not possess, distribute or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds.
First Offense: Assignment to the Grainger County Alternative School for a 45-90 day placement
Second Offense: Student must complete an alcohol treatment program with a positive recommendation before returning to a Grainger County school.
A student shall not possess, distribute or be under the influence of any vaping products in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds, or while representing the school in any capacity. To "use" shall mean holding of any vape pen, dab pen, cart pen, electronic vapor cigarette, or any other vape product that is yet to be named, or any other paraphernalia used for the purpose of vaping.
First Offense: Assignment to the Grainger County Alternative School for a 8-45 day placement. (Student may be referred to Juvenile court).
Second Offense: Assignment to the Grainger County Alternative School for a 20-45 day placement. (Student will be referred to Juvenile court).
Third Offense: Assignment to the Grainger County Alternative School for a 45-90 day placement. (Student will be referred to Juvenile court).
Fourth Offense: The student will be subject to expulsion from the school system for a minimum of one (1) calendar year from the date of the infraction. The Director of Schools and the School Board will determine the punishment for a student who has reached this level of the Vaping Policy.
In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment free of drugs, violence and dangerous weapons, any student that is found to have violated this policy shall be subject to expulsion from all Grainger County Schools for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.
The Director may allow another individual or entity to carry out preliminary information gather functions, and prepare a recommendation. Following this process, the director shall have the authority to modify the expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.
For the purpose of this policy the term “Expulsion” shall mean the removal of a student for a designated time from all Grainger County Schools. This policy shall include any student while on a school bus, on school property, or while attending any school event or activity.
Zero-Tolerance Acts Are As Follows:
- A student under the influence of, or in possession of an illegal or controlled drug.
- A student who brings or possesses a firearm or dangerous weapon.
- A student committing an assault on a teacher or other employee of the school or school resource officer.
- A student who transmits by electronic device any communication containing a credible threat to cause bodily injury or death to another student or school employee and the transmission of such threat creates actual disruptive activity at the school that requires administrative intervention.
Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-4204, lockers and other storage areas, containers, and packages brought into the school by students or visitors are subject to search for drugs, drug paraphernalia, dangerous weapons, or any property that is not properly in possession of the student.
Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-4204, vehicles parked on the school property by students or visitors are subject to search for drugs, drug paraphernalia, or dangerous weapons.