Positive Behavior 5th-6th Grade
Be Ready! Be Respectful! Be Responsible!
school has developed and will provide each student with a copy of a
matrix (see below) which provides behavior expectations and procedures
for different areas within the school. Examples and non-examples of
appropriate school and classroom behavior will be modeled and clarified
for students through school-wide and classroom specific instruction
throughout the school year. In addition to the school-wide rules, each
teacher will have his/her own classroom rules posted in his/her room.
The following check system and attendance requirements will be used to
determine eligibility for reward activities for grades three and four.
Students will have the opportunity to earn reward activities every three
Check System
• 1st Card- Warning
• 2nd Cards- 1 Check
• 3rd Cards- 2 Checks
• 4th Cards- 3 Checks = Office Referral
Criteria for student eligibility to participate in reward activities-
5 Checks- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 3-week
reward activity. (This 30 minute activity is by grade level.)
• 10
Checks- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 6-week reward
activity. (This 45 minute activity will take place during flex.)
• 15
Checks- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 9-week reward
activity. (Examples include: inflatables, sponge throw, etc.)
• An office referral will result in the loss of all reward activities for the remainder of the nine weeks.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance is very important to academic success. To reward students
for good attendance the following will result in loss of reward
activities. (Tardy means: student arrives after 8:15am or leaves before
2:45pm. Note: teachers in grade five ask that students not be picked up
until car rider time: 2:55pm).
• 3 Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 3-week reward activity.
• 6 Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 6-week reward activity.
• 9 Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies- Student will not be allowed to participate in the 9-week reward activity.
The faculty and staff of Joppa Elementary School would like to thank the parents and family of our students, without your support the success of this program would not be possible.